
很輕緩的聲音 簡單而溫暖


總之他是個非主流的聲樂歌手,同時也做曲。Rodin在童年時就以行動、藝術和音樂展開了藝術性的追求(應該可以說是以這三者來找尋人生的方向)。當他身為演員及電影製作者的好朋友 Zach Braff 聽到他"Winter" 這首歌的Demo時,產生了極大興趣,之後Rodin就開始曝光,也受到廣大的迴響

Joshua Radin去年由Columbia出了一張"We Were Here"的個人專輯,不過"The Fear You Won't Fall" 並沒有收近這張專輯,而且台灣的Sony沒有引進,看來要買的話可能要透過國外網站了,不過他的歌曲都有被收錄在電影"Garden State"和"The Last Kiss"的原聲帶中


Joshua Radin (Cleveland, Ohio) is an acoustic-alternative singer/songwriter.

Radin began his artistic pursuits at an early age with art, acting and music. When close friend and actor/film-maker Zach Braff heard a demo of Radin's song "Winter," he was immediately interested, and got the song onto his show Scrubs in the episode My Screw Up. The song received an overwhelmingly positive response and gave Radin substantial exposure with the show's demographic. The songs "Today", "Closer", "Don't Look Away" and "These Photographs" were also used on the show. Zach Braff also played the triangle in Joshua Radin's song "Today".

Since, Joshua's songs have been further featured on the FOX Television drama North Shore, and the ABC medical drama Grey's Anatomy. His song "Star Mile" is on The Last Kiss movie soundtrack. Most recently his song "What If You" was featured on soundtrack to the movie Catch and Release.

The album "We Were Here" was released in 2006, containing many of the songs featured on the various television shows. The album is made up of heavily acoustic indie Folk/Pop, and is especially reminiscent of Simon & Garfunkel, Elliott Smith, Damien Rice and Iron & Wine. His song "Everything'll Be Alright (Will's Lullabye)" makes reference to the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

“ The rain in New Orleans forgot to end but the mouths of the people are dry. And we watch and wait and do nothing but sigh and hope everything is going to turn out right. But I don't know if it'll be alright. ”

Joshua Radin is currently dating Schuyler Fisk.


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